Ladies and Gentlemen,
Forgive me for promoting another blog.
I have a client who is trying to set up a free special school in Suffolk. Needless to say, it's a bureaucratic nightmare.
I am sure that she would welcome any support.
1 hour ago
Why must you be forgiven, Lola? The more blogs to look at the better - broaden our reading.
Is there no "central" advice site for these new schools, no doubt many others have the same/similar problems.
maybe it's been cut
SO "Central" - as in 'central planning' is just what's bloody well wrong with education. Fact is is not the functionaries vetting our suitability, it's us vetting theirs!
I meant that your post spoke of frustration with the whole thing and that you were having problems getting things "central" was re a possible group of others that ahd already been in your situation with advice for you/others soon to be in your situation.
SO - Erm, SO, I'm not doing the free school - my client is. I am not in eddikashun at all.
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