Commenting on the Fury over 'black women are less attractive' psychologist story:
Christopher Ryan, co-author of Sex At Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins Of Modern Sexuality, said Kanazawa had tried to insult ‘pretty much everyone’ during his career. ‘Essentially, I don’t take him seriously because he’s clearly motivated more by attracting attention than by any enthusiasm for science or truth.’
Dr Kanazawa’s previous blogs include one entitled ‘Are all women essentially prostitutes?’ and in 2008 he suggested dropping 35 nuclear bombs on the Middle East to rid the US of terrorism. Other contentious posts provisionally titled 'Should ugly Middle Eastern women cover their faces in public?' and 'What temperature is a burning Koran?' never made it past the drafting stage.
As Feral As Their Mutts
25 minutes ago
233 C
Shallow, sensationalist attention seeker?
Sounds like a typical shrink to me.
556 K
I have never met a black woman that I have wanted to shag, is that racist?
B, how many have you ever met? If it was only a few, then maybe you were unlucky.
Someone had it right - it wasn't so much attention seeking as s*** stirring. I have a passing familiarity with the latter.
So, can we have a few more 100m gold medals, or is that bit of fact-based genetic difference OK?
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