Saturday 5 February 2011

"Worthing boxer attacked by cows"

This story in The Argus has the ring of untruth, but it's splendid reading nonetheless:

The 14-stone fighter, known as The Captain, was jogging over Devil’s Dyke when thick fog fell and he found himself being chased by more than 200 cattle.

A lead member of the thundering herd knocked him over, leaving him face down in the mud, with more of the creatures just yards behind. But the animals didn’t know what they had let themselves in for as Anthony did what he does best – he fought back...

The article does not explain quite how he 'fought back' against 200 cattle, of course. The mind boggles as to how that might work.

Spotted by JuliaM who got it from APILN.


Pavlov's Cat said...

quite how he 'fought back' against 200 cattle,

If it was like the movies, they probably formed a circle around him and attacked one at a time. In which case with his trainning he could easily defeat them.

Richard Allen said...

Clear and obvious disinformation from those who want to play down the threat of our bovine adversaries.

View from the Solent said...

The fog couldn't have been thick if he could see 200 cattle. Nor could he have been that worried if he had time to count them.

DBC Reed said...

This geezer was on the radio.The first time he knew the cows were on him was when he heard thunderous footfall "like Jurassic Park".He basically shouted a lot and ran around ,I seem to remember,though this is what you are told not to do.

Mark Wadsworth said...

PC, RA, VFTS, DBC, ta for comments. You have picked yet more holes in what was clearly a threadbare story to start with.

Ross said...

For a second I misread the title as "Worthless boxer attacked by cows" and assumed the victim was Audley Harrison.

James Higham said...

He milked them?