Thursday 10 February 2011

Recently in Top Man

I went in to Top Man and found a suit I liked, so as per usual, I bought two.*

To my disappointment, the shop assistant didn't bat an eyelid, thus depriving me of the opportunity to explain that I needed one of them for a court appearance and the other one for a job interview.**

* This part of the story is true.

** The last bit is of course untrue.


Span Ows said...

LOL! Re poll...if I had a magic wand (the one I have has lost its magic!) I'd get hitched with all of them.

Chrysalis said...

BOTH parts are equally interesting...if not, here's to hoping you find a good use to a new suit:)

View from the Solent said...

You have an amazing memory, Mark.

Mark Wadsworth said...

SO, even Ginny?

Chr, I wear them for work, of course.

VFTS, it's just one of those silly things I remember, it's like Gerard Ratner describing his jewellery as crap and the boss of Barclays saying he advises his kids not to borrow using a Barclaycard etc.

Chrysalis said...

Bah, and not for a woman?

You should try it sometime

Take care, Mark;)

Mark Wadsworth said...

Chr, funny you should mention that. Her Indoors was getting increasingly upset about the fact that my previous two suits were falling to pieces and kept nagging me to buy new ones.

Span Ows said...

Mark Wadsworth said...

SO, even Ginny?


((runs and hides...)

banned said...

Anyone who has visited a Magistrates Court will know exactly what he meant, occupied by Wayne and Kevin with their Mums who have spruced them up in Primark Best when in reality they would do better for themselves by being relaxed in their customary trackies or hoodies.

ps, great HP poll, can't remember the last time I voted "dunno" along with the majority of other pollsters.

TheFatBigot said...

You'd do better spending a little more on a couple of bespoke suits from a small tailor who is proud of his work (I use Andrew of Green Lanes, about £400 a shot). They fit better, they look better and they last a lot longer.

A friend of mine, a consultant psychiatrist who has to make a lot of home visits to the least pleasant people in Yorkshire, buys machine washable suits from M&S. They look awful but, as he puts it, he has to sit on chairs and sofas steeped in thirty years of mad people's piss.

Mark Wadsworth said...

SO, no need to hide, others chose her as well.

B, does anybody dare turn up with trackies and hoodies and trainers and so on?

TFB, All suits fit me, I'm that shape. They don't look as good as hand made stuff, but I don't have to look at myself. And I don't want them to last forever, after four years they go in the bin and it's time for something a bit different.