From Mortgage Strategy:
Labour MP horrified by MMR: Labour MP George Mudie says he is horrified by the Financial Services Authority’s Mortgage Market Review and believes the regulator has lost its balance and could damage the industry...
Ah... right.
The Blob is the disease
1 hour ago
I'm rather surprised to see a Labour MP pointing the finger at "micro-managing" but he is, of course, completely correct in asserting that a lending decision is between lender and borrower.
The FSA really has lost the plot, and not for the first time. I read the other day that the average salary of their 3,300 employees is £92,800 p.a. (2010) plus of course the usual raft of public sector type benefits. One might have hoped for better in return for such generous packages.
For a second there I was wondering why an MP would get so agitated over a childhood vaccine.....
FT. Quite. Now, where's my roll of piano wire....
One might have hoped for better in return for such generous packages.
Really, FT? Since when has a sinecure holder been expected to do anything to justify his salary?
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