Screenshot from here.It's nice to see the US President picking up the gag and running with it.
Rab goes to hospital
6 hours ago
Screenshot from here.It's nice to see the US President picking up the gag and running with it.
My latest blogpost: It's the little things that make the Huffington Post worth $300 millionTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Humour, Internet
America media has its surprises like yesterday's NYT which had headline "Administration calls for cutting aid to home buyers" .Contains quote "This does n't mean our goal is for all Americans to be homeowners" which I had to read twice.
I was trying to think of a dafter internet purchase. It's just a load of commentary, and that's almost worthless nowadays.
If commentary had much value then the likes of Mr Eugenides and Ian Dale wouldn't have quit doing it to focus on other things.
(while a few newspaper columnists are very well paid that's only because the proprietars don't want to face the reality of their situation and think that a miracle is going to save their businesses).
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