Wednesday 2 February 2011

Have they not heard of Godwin's Law?



Pavlov's Cat said...

I've heard of 'Godwins Law' but I must be being very dense, as I can't see how it relates to this.

WitteringsfromWitney said...

PC: so you can't see the whole picture then?

Pavlov's Cat said...

All right I know I'm missing something obvious here.
I've blown the text up and nowhere can I see her name humourously mispelt as Hitler.
The picture is an homage to Marcel Duchamp and I can't recall him being connected to the Nazi's

Go on, put me out of my dim witted misery.

Mark Wadsworth said...

PC: "nowhere can I see her name humourously mispelt as Hitler."

Does your mind's eye not have an inbuilt function that does it automatically?

Pavlov's Cat said...

Does your mind's eye not have an inbuilt function that does it automatically?

No, no it doesn't.

And I worry that yours does, next thing you'll be reading The Guardian
and Julia M will be quoting you on posts on CiF

Stewart Cowan said...

I'm with you on this, PC. You think you must be dim, then it turns out to be something in Mark's mind's eye!

What I was thinking was that because she's an American, she might pronounce the Führer's name like her own. You know, like they say "Denis" instead of "Dentist?"

Lola said...

Well, I did read Hitler's for Hiller's but I just thought it was my problem, not what MW was alluding to.

But as they say a problem shared is a problem doubled.

Bayard said...

One wonders what the family name was before WWII.

Mark Wadsworth said...

B, apparently it was Schillgruber.