Thanks to everybody who took part in last week's Fun Online Poll. The results are:
If you were Harry Potter, with whom would you have liked to get hitched?
I have no idea who any of these people are - 52%
Hermione Grainger - 19%
Luna 'Loony' Lovegood - 13%
Parvati Patel - 5%
Ginny Weasley - 5%
Cho Chang - 4%
Other, please specify - 2%
So well done the 48% of you did have an idea, and well done to fictional characters Hermione Grainger (predictably enough) and Luna (who would be pleasantly surprised by this, if she existed).
Seeing as today is St Valentine's Day, how about a St Valentine's Day-related Fun Online Poll?
Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.
Electric Stupidity
7 hours ago
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