De Daily Mail:
Una pareja británica ha sido condenado a ocho meses de prisión y ordenó la demolición de su casa Españoles por el incumplimiento de las normativas urbanísticas.
David y Janet Hartshorn ilegalmente construido una gran casa en suelo protegido, cerca de la localidad de la Costa del Sol de Torrox, un juez dictaminó.
Sra. Hartshorn dijo: "Esta es una noticia terrible. Estoy muy disgustado por esto... La casa fue construida hace nueve años y son personas siendo la construcción de casas ilegalmente por aquí. "
¡Estoy seguro que todo el NIMBYs español está celebrando esta victoria para El Cinturón Verde Santo!
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
¡NIMBYs español se defiende!
My latest blogpost: ¡NIMBYs español se defiende!Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
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"The couple built the 2,580sq ft house on land which only had permission for a house one tenth that size...
"In June 2001 they applied for planning permission but were told they could not build anything bigger than the ruin."
So they were told that they shouldn't build it, but built it anyway and their defence is: everyone else did it!
This post was obviously Babel-fished from English. Is it just your little joke, or is there some deeper symbolism?
It's true that in some areas permission is often applied for 'retrospectively'. But it doesn't always work, and it can land you in a lot of trouble and be very expensive. The thing is to think big. A couple of years ago a chap known as the Welldigger built 2,000 houses in a small village in Toledo 'before anyone noticed'. He'd even managed to sell quite a few, even though there was no electrity, no water, no municipal services, and no tarmacced roads. One born every minute.
English people, I've noticed, often make the mistake of using a British lawyer. I wonder if that's what happened to this couple.
Este es Espan~ol muy pobre. No tiene mucho dinero y tiene que trabajar ma's.
BE, even better: Mrs H said in her defence: "people are still building houses illegally round here."
CI, yup, I cut and pasted it into Babelfish.
EKTWP, gracias por el voto de confianza.
Torrox! Best off out of it.
They should not have run away to sunny Spain (where, when I was there, there was nowhere to buy cheese) but they should have stayed here and fought.
I have no clue why a certain type of British person runs off to Spain in his/her old age. I have never ever understood this thing. What on earth is there that you could want? You can buy everything here (still) and more.
And at least we here are in the "front trench".
Infierno effing!
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