Wednesday 12 January 2011

Grant Shapps on top form

From The Independent:

Grant Shapps... pointed out that thousands of potential buyers would be able to afford to become owner occupiers if the new [stricter lending] regime led to steeper house price falls.


chefdave said...

Fred Harrison isn't too keen on the guy, but then he did say this:

...ending the house price boom/bust was not “within the gift of government”.

Mark Wadsworth said...

CD, aha, Stiglitz is a Land Value Taxer, is he? I'll add him to the list.

Bayard said...

"...ending the house price boom/bust was not “within the gift of government”."

Whether or not that is true depends on what he means by "the government", whether he means the people who really run the country, or their middlemen who sit in the Houses of Parliament.

Derek said...

Yep, Joseph Stiglitz gets the connection between rent and poverty. But he's a bit like Michael Hudson. They're both Land Taxers but not doctrinaire Single Taxers.

So, JS is one of the good guys. He was basically forced to resign from the top job at the World Bank because he started talking logically instead of toeing the party line. See this article for details.

Grant Shapps should learn from that if he wants to keep his job. He's currently making far too much sense.

James Higham said...

I do think it will self-actualize when the economy collapses though and the move is made to non-currency.

Robin Smith said...


There will always be "currency". It will be adopted as the most exchanged thing. Whatever that turns out to be... chairs, cats, food, er pieces of paper with iou on them.

MW, maybe I should approach Shapps.

Bayard, quite right, the people we elect have no real power. Always makes me laugh when the Borough Cllrs tell me to shut up as I have no power. I always respond by asking them to show me theirs! Its a laugh.