Tuesday 11 January 2011

Ed Miliband


Span Ows said...

Nice picture...the expression and open mouth look like it should have a caption saying "Deeeerrrr...." which of course would be entirely appropriate.

Mark Wadsworth said...

SO, in a drawly sort of nasal whine?

formertory said...

A nasal whine, and not to forget the recently-much-more-pronounced glottal stop. Next thing you know he'll be citing "Glee" as his favourite TV viewing.

Ed P said...

Mr. MiliBean?

He has a strange and annoying way of pronouncing certain vowel sounds, notably a long O - do becomes doouo. Weirdo!

Mark Wadsworth said...

FT, Ed P, ever since Span's comment, I have been trying to think of a word which includes all his idiosyncracies (like a "Deeerrr" but with a glottal stop and a long "o", for example) but the one that keeps springing to mind is "Flubadub".