I rather enjoyed this article from CiF, which sort of confirms all our worst suspicions about how incompetent the Lib-Cons are at reducing government spending and what a bunch of whining time wasters these quangista are.
Two Approaches
2 hours ago
Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
Remember: public sector workers are motivated by doing good. We don't do it for the money. So when we have our purpose removed, we feel violated.
What kind of outrageous, pious, self-serving low-rent puffery is that heap of old bollocks?
Dear God. Vomit would be wasted on him.
Hmm. Apologies. I usually try to be a bit more subtle.
BQ, don't worry, they'll just relocate you and rebrand you, and you'll be back as Bill Government-Advisory-Body MP.
FT, that bit was particularly sickening. Seeing as this person admits they're not doing anything or achieving anything, why don't they all hand in their resignations?
........or agree to work usefully for half the income and private-sector-equivalent bennies?
As a public sector worker I can confirm we all do it for the money.
'Working' in a council office for £21k a year is a lot better than being a call centre battery hen for £18k.
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