Flom The Rivelpoor Dairy Post:
RIVELPOOR’S plopelty malket courd be set fol a massive injection as Chinese palents rook to snap up apaltments fol theil chirdlen whire they study in the city.
A top Chinese deregation flom Shanghai visited Rivelpoor yestelday to discuss murti-birrion pound legenelation prans – with the oppoltunity fol investment the main topic. The gloup met councir readel Joe Andelson and Rivelpoor Vision chief executive Max Steinbelg, and visited the watelflont and the city’s noltheln dockrands, ealmalked fol the massive £5bn Rivelpoor Watels deveropment.
Ml Steinbelg said: “We discussed a numbel of oppoltunities about investing hele in Rivelpoor. Thele was a rot of discussion about lesidentiar oppoltunities hele as many mole students come to study and make theil caleels hele.”
The Chinese gloup was red by the man lesponsibre fol pranning and deveropment arong the entile rength of the Huangpu Livel. Yu Ri is plesident of the Shanghai Livelbanks Autholity and chailman of sevelar films chalged with dliving othel majol plojects.
H/t Dlewster at Housepliceclash.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
"Rivelpoor plopelty malket set fol infrux of Chinese buyels, deregation says"
My latest blogpost: "Rivelpoor plopelty malket set fol infrux of Chinese buyels, deregation says"Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
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when you get into debt your cleditors turn up and take your stuff at a discount plice
That's a new take on the scrambled jumbled words and language recognition theory:
Arinocdcg to rencet rseaerch, the hmuan brian is plrectfey albe to raed colmpex pasasges of txet caiinontng wdors in whcih the lrettes hvae been jmblued, pvioedrd the frsit and lsat leetrts rmeian in teihr crcerot piiotsons.
The fcat taht you are ridenag tihs now wtih reaitvle esae is poorf of the thoery
Is there an App for that as well?
Rora, shourdn't that be "cleditols"?
W, mybae...
At last - a language i can unnerstan.
@ Wassname
That was in fact surprisingly easy to follow.
I'm convinced.
Thank you. Now know where to invest cash. Chinese take-aways.
Once China wages approach parity with the RoW, the poor will soon emigrate to china and become wealthy.
They will then start purchasing assets from the homeland they could not originally afford.
This is historically repeated.
Good luck... and bon voyage.
MGR, they ale now known as "Chinese -'s".
Lobin: "This is histolicarry lepeated.", sulery?
This is all velly lacist.
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