Bored Housing Officer; "I assume you know why you're here?"
Mr Honest Citizen: "Is this about the kids' playground? That wasn't my little boy who did that!"
BHO: "Mr HC, we've noticed that you haven't been claiming Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit for years..."
Mr HC: "Well no, when the Mrs went back to work, we checked the forms and it seemed like we weren't entitled any more. Is there a problem? Should we have been claiming?"
BHO: "No, that's all fine. I hope you realise that the new government has decided there isn't enough social housing, so it's trying to encourage you to move into the private sector, or to become an owner occupier. What they're thinking of doing is increasing social rents from £280 a month to perhaps £585 a month."
Mr HC, horrified: "We haven't got that sort of money! What can we rent privately for £280 round here anyway?"
BHO: "The good news is that the new government also thinks that there is too much social housing and it wants to encourage home ownership, so it's going to crank up the Right To Buy scheme."
Mr HC: "Beg pardon, I didn't catch that - is there not enough or too much social housing?"
BHO; "Bit of both, really. But we're trying to sort it out by helping you onto the housing ladder."
Mr HC: "I'd love to own a house. Paying rent's dead money, isn't it? But there's no way I could afford to buy. What's my council house worth ? £100,000, something like that?"
BHO: "Mr HC, I have to inform you that as a long standing tenant, you'll be entitled to a fifty per cent discount."
Mr HC: "But I don't have £50,000 to spare either."
BHO: "Don't you worry about that. There's another scheme where the government gives you an interest free mortgage for a quarter of it, and gets you a low interest loan on the rest, that'll cost you about five per cent."
Mr HC; "I'm not very good with figures. How much would that all cost me?"
BHO, types a few figures on his calculator: "Oh, £37,500 at five per cent, divide by twelve... yup, that'll cost you about £156."
Mr HC: "What? £156 every week? There's no way we can afford that, I'm sorry. Wh- "
BHO: "No, that's £156 every month."
Mr HC: "So that's less than the rent we pay! Sweet. But... what if I lose my job? They've already had to let a couple of people go, I'm worried it'll happen to me as well. Who'll pay my mortgage then?"
BHO: "Don't you worry about that. If you lose your job you can apply for 'Support for Mortgage Interest', that'll cover most of it, you can still apply for your Council Tax Benefit."
Mr HC: "I'll have to talk to the Mrs about that - sorry she couldn't be here, she's picking up the kids from school. But tell me straight, where's the catch?"
BHO: "I'm buggered if I know, to be honest. It's just my job to tell your 'options'. Do you want to cut your rent in half and end up owning a house or not? Here's a leaflet, show that to your Mrs and here's a card with my telephone number and email. Can you show the next customer in when you leave. Thanks for dropping in."
Mr HC: "Yeah thanks... I'll give you a ring then. Bye!"
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Meanwhile, down the Housing Office...
My latest blogpost: Meanwhile, down the Housing Office...Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Council Housing, Home-Owner-Ism, Subsidies
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How realistic is that?
Did you notice the BBC 'take' on it?
Interview with an elderly lady living alone in a three bedroom house. She has been there for nearly sixty years and has raised her family there. Cue the 'outrage' of her being asked to move to a smaller house.
I support that part of the proposals. 'Bed blocking' is a huge problem and needs to be tackled.
JH, the facts and figures are all correct. I've only spoken to one Housing Benefit officer (a hyper efficient little guy called Garner in Walthamstow), so whether they usually talk to people like that I have no idea.
R, I've not watched telly yet today. That'll be the little old lady whose sister in owner-occupation is wailing about the introduction of Land Value Tax, I presume?
Years ago I was on holiday in the med.
There was this really foul mouthed ghastly family from hell, I tiptoed around them as did everyone else.
Probably semi illiterate too.
But, here's the rub.
They were rich.
Why ?
They'd bought a council house in London under the Thatcher years sold,moved to cheaper region, and never looked back.
Work doesn't pay in the UK !
Who cares as long as they voted Tory?
Same old Tories, same old gerrymandering-by-social-engineering, only now it's costing the taxpayer even more that it did last time.
If they were honest, they'd say "Vote Tory and we'll give you a house".
The only problem with your dialogue is that you omit there is probably another family who are renting privately and can barely afford it - thinking why do we pay £580 pcm for this dump while down the road someone who decided at 18 to play the system rather than work gets something nice for £280.
In 1999 I was renting a room in Stevenage (ex council house I think) for about £180 pcm - I can't believe my neighbours could have been paying that much for the whole house!!
No wonder - unlike me - they could afford a car.
Both anon's - yup, council housing is to some extent an extension of Home-Owner-Ism. The incumbents always fare better than the new arrivals.
MT, how's that infection working out for you? You didn't go to an NHS hospital, I notice.
B, it's not just a Tory thing, Labour took Home-Owner-Ism and right-to-buy and share ownership and tied housing for key workers to extremes.
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