Wednesday 20 October 2010

The Franco-German politcal cycle?


Mark Wadsworth said...

SL, I'm lost. What's the flag in the top left corner?

Steven_L said...

The European Coal and Steel Community.

When they first decided 'France and Germany must never go to war again' they integrated their coal and steel markets.

Now they have integrated their currencies France no longer have a central bank with which to inflate/print their way out of these pension riots do they?

So they will go banging their fist to the Germans at the ECB and telling them to print more Euros or threatening to pull out surely?

Mark Wadsworth said...

SL, I like the 'threatening to pull out' bit.

TheBoilingFrog said...

They already used that threat this year, not sure it will have the same impact 2nd time round unless they actually do it.

Who's the chap in the bottom left - a young Bismarck?

TheBoilingFrog said...

Re: my previous comment, I have just worked it out, it's Kaiser William II