On a very high turnout since Monday (thanks to everybody who took part, as ever), the results for the last Fun Online Poll were as follows:
In the end, Pastor Terry Jones didn't burn a pile of Korans.
I'm very disappointed - 30%
It's a triumph for the Islamists - 25%
It's probably for the best - 21%
I'm slightly disappointed - 12%
Other. Please specify - 7%
It's a triumph for tolerance and inclusiveness - 6%
I am in equal measure disappointed that he chickened out and that the Islamists got their own way.
Just when we thought we'd got religion out of the news again, 'Baroness' Warsi starts spouting crap like this:
"... because of these prejudices [the previous government] didn't create policies to unleash the positive power of faith in our society... The fact is that our world is more religious than ever. Faith is here to stay. It is part of the fabric of human experience. And in Britain faith is very much alive and kicking."
Look love, in your 'community' it is quite normal for 'faith' to be used as a means of self-appointed 'leaders' to control their extended family's behaviour. It doesn't quite work like that with us normal people. It gets worse:
The government wants church leaders to play a greater role in local communities, Conservative party chairman Baroness Warsi has said*.
So that's the next Fun Online Poll: "Do you want church leaders to play a greater role in 'local communities'?"
Vote here or use the widget in the side bar.
* On a linguistic note, does anybody know what 'local communities' means? Or whether it's OK again to refer to a woman as a 'chairman'?
Mr Musk’s unusual demand
2 hours ago
Ah yes, the adulterous, husband stealing Baroness Warsi of "Savilletown". Whose "community" jeered and egged her for being the sanctimonious hypocrite they've come to know and love.
Had this been the EDL jeering and egging her, there'd be martial law and gallows in the town square by now.
Shame on you Mark Wadsworth: isn’t it obvious that stoning adulterers, genital mutilation and killing the authors and publishers one doesn’t like improves Western civilisation?
A thought has just occurred to me about your favourite tax. You're preaching to the wrong congregation. The country that desperately needs more tax revenue, gathered by a tax that's simple and hard to evade, is Greece. Why not try your luck with them? Wadsworth Tax System Consultants LLP could make a pile out of it.
D, that's a good idea, actually. Thanks.
Baroness Warsi - great name that.
I went to a 'church' primary school. They weren't that bad. OK so you had to say prayers and sing hymns everyday, but at least I know what to do when I get invited to a church wedding or funeral or something.
Given a straight choice between listening to some vicar bang on about Jesus, or Polly Toynbee bang on about 'humanism' I think I'd plump for the former.
The Bible is quite trippy actually, you ever tried reading the numbered verses backwards chapter by chapter. It works with some books, there's one where God turns all the Jews into poofs if you read it like that.
I might even dig it out an post it sometime!
If she had an 'h' in her name, somebody with a flair for the original estuary could post a comment like : Washi on about?
JH, WD - if she didn't have a 'W' in her name she'd be arsey.
SL, church schools are OK, three of my kids have gone to church schools. Aren't things quite different in CoE or RC churches?
Well I was at a CofE and I never got bummed by any teachers/clergy etc.
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