Bayard has uncovered what appears to be yet more NIMBY untruthinesse in that article:
... the Labour government announced that the proposed £30 billion high-speed rail link between London and Birmingham would cut through a stretch of land 200 yards from her house in the village of Chipping Warden, Oxfordshire.
According to Google Maps, Chipping Warden (red marker) is about half way between Banbury and Daventry:Here's the map of the route (from Wiki), which shows the line a mile or two to the south west of Chipping Warden:
How to watch the Oscars
1 hour ago
Hi Mark,
As much as I love your blog and read it everyday, I am afraid you are wrong on this one.
Take a look at the map on the Dft website -
It shows it almost going through the village.
WB, good find.
According to that map, the railway cutting will just clip the schools at the very north western edge of the village, but the railway line will be about ten yards below ground level, ergo, the trains will be practically inaudible in the rest of the village.
So still nothing to worry about, really. Nothing that would put me off buying a house there (were I so minded).
I was afraid that the Wiki map may have been out of date. However, thanks to Google streetview, I can say with some certainty that the NIMBYhouse is still some 600 yards away from the line of the new track (which, being in a cutting, will be invisible as well as inaudible).
B, good idea. it's 22 Hogg End, isn't it? Or thereabouts.
As you say, it's a good 600 yards from the line of the railway. but NIMBYism is based on lies, whether logical or factual, so don't expect that to stop them.
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