Wednesday 18 August 2010

Fun With Numbers

Percentage of adults who would support a ban on smoking in cars: 74%

Percentage of adults who don't smoke: 79%


Anonymous said...

Well that is one "one handed" activity taking place in cars in line to be banned then - if only they could find a way of banning "Onan the forever one-handed driver man and wo-man" from ever getting behind the wheel and on the roads - there does seem to be an awful lot of them out there ...

James Higham said...

There are two sides to this. The Libertarian in me who says the govt should effing well stay out of it.

The other side is that my father used to drive our car, insisting the windows were up and he chain smoked.

My mother died of bronchial issues and now I have them.

Dick Puddlecote said...

And it's all bollocks anyway. They didn't tell the respondents the truth.

Brian, follower of Deornoth said...

Opinion polls prove that the majority of people in Britain wish the UK to leave the Eurine Union. And a majority favour re-introduction of the death penalty for murderers.

So we can expect to see legislation in the Commons soon?