Two and a half years of total neglect seem to have paid off/taken their total*. They all died off after the snow and cold weather last winter, and only one little one has reappeared (front left hand pot):* Delete according to taste.
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:20-21
8 hours ago
Must be a lot warmer in your parts, pretty much every terracotta pot I have split in the freeze.
I have some EU illegal Ammonium sulphamate if you want to finish the job off, nothing now left on the shelves works, so you might be stuck with them.
S, they're plastic pots. But none of the terracotta ones in our garden split.
Mark, what on earth were you doing leaving spider plants outdoors in winter? They're house plants.
Dare I suggest you buy a wee bag of potting compost and give the one which is determined to survive a wee treat by repotting it?
Tell me off if you like. :)
You green thumb, you.
S, they survived six months in a garage without water, and have survived two very cold spells since. I will of course repot the sole survivor and see what happens.
JH, it's up to the plants what happens, not the human beings.
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