Monday 5 July 2010

Passion killer


View from the Solent said...

I notice that the face is cropped. Presumably it's that of a right dog.
And shouldn't your second label be singular? No tits there worthy of mention.

Mark Wadsworth said...

VFTS, that looks like a proper handful to me and I can't comment on a face that I can't see.

Leg-iron said...

It just makes his ears look bigger.

Mark Wadsworth said...

LI, now that's what I call a constructive comment.

They could make T-shirts where his ears are so big they are roughly the same size and shape as the boobs behind. That would be really disconcerting to look at!

And they could go one further than that and have leggings with Ed Miliband printed on the arse.

A. Nogler said...

Three tits in one picture! Wow.