There had been a bit of a lull in the propaganda war before and after the recent change of government, but we're back to normal again - the BBC today regurgitated a cracking bit of propaganda:
The British Lung Foundation wants people to be made more aware (1) of the possible risks of carrying out DIY on asbestos-containing materials. Its survey of 2,000 homeowners found 45% did not realise that asbestos had been used as a building material.(2)
It is those who were employed in areas where they regularly worked with asbestos (3), from shipyards to plumbing, who are most at risk of developing conditions such as the cancer mesothelioma, as well as asbestosis and other lung problems. As the material is no longer actively used, the greatest risk is now to those who are involved in demolition, or building repair and maintenance, as it is only when disturbed that it releases the dangerous fibres into the air.
It was suggested that the former Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren, who died earlier this year from cancer, may have come into contact with the material while ripping down the ceiling of his shop in the 1970s... (4)
Cases of asbestos-related disease as a result of DIY do not appear to be common, although there is a long latency period (5). The Health and Safety Executive, which works to inform tradesmen of the dangers of asbestos, said it was nonetheless supportive of the campaign to raise awareness among homeowners.
"The HSE welcomes any efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of asbestos and that is why we are supporting the British Lung Foundation in its call for people to 'be asbestos aware'," a spokeswoman said "Our advice is that householders should not attempt to remove asbestos containing materials that are higher risk such as sprayed coatings, insulation board or lagging - these materials can only be safely removed by a contractor licensed by the Health and Safety Executive." (6)
1) The British Lung Foundation (add to the list) is NOT a pure fakecharity. It is a pharma industry lobbying front. According to their 2009 accounts (see page 8) it is mainly funded by GlaxoSmithKline, Astra Zeneca, Beoeringer Ingleheim (sic) and Pfizer; as well as Nottingham City PCT, South Tyneside PCT, the Department of Health and the Scottish Executive.
Their main aim appears to be 'raising awareness' of lung conditions among people who didn't realise they had one, thus increasing the demand for various medicines to counter said entirely imaginary conditions.
2) "45% of homeowners are a bit thick", what's new?
3) Yup. People who 'regularly worked with' blue or brown asbestos decades ago are in big trouble. People who occasionally come into contact with small amounts of white asbestos (a chemically quite distinct compound) are not 'at risk' (see bullet 5).
4) Oooh! A celebrity death! That proves it! Do they have the slightest shred of evidence to trace his illness back to contact with white asbestos? Was an autopsy carried out, and if so, how did the BLF get hold of it? Do they not have patient confidentiality in Switzerland?
5) "A long latency period", a classic get out. So despite nobody's died yet, they might do so in future. That's a bit like Catastrophic Climate Change that always seems to be about ten or twenty years away but never actually happens.
6) Brilliant. Another couple of vested interests jump on the bandwagon - the Health & Safety Executive and contractors they have licensed. The work they do consists of men with boiler suits and face masks ripping your building apart and putting stuff into plastic sacks. Presumably somebody else then gets paid a handsome fee for storing the stuff.
Bonus round: if you visit the BLF's web page announcing this drivel, it states: "This year's campaign has been kindly sponsored by Fentons LLP."
Follow that last link, surprise surprise, Fentons LLP is "A Leading UK Personal Injury Firm."
1 hour ago
Christopher Booker used to do an excellent job of exposing all the lies and crookedness of the anti-Asbestos lobby - a lot of these boys got rich from ripping out asbestos that, left alone, would have been extremely unlikely to harm anyone. If I remember rightly, there were even cases of asbestos "having" to be ripped out of buildings because of the measured fibre-count in their internal air, a fibre count that was actually lower than the count in the street outside.
Spot on, MW. Classy take-down.
D, yup, he and Dr Richard North opened my eyes to all this.
DP, thanks.
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