Friday 2 July 2010

Just for old times' sake


Steven_L said...

This your ideal woman is it Mark?

mark said...

I can't help thinking that the obsessive media coverage of this story was also a product of the bubble. It occurred at the tail end of 2007 which was bubble peak central. I think that if this had happened 12 months later that it wouldn't have got the same attention.

I also think that Clinton suffered from this also. He had the misfortune to get involved in a sex scandel in good times. If Obama were to find himself in a simlilar predicament I think that many would be much more willing to say - its a private matter and we need to focus on what matters - ie. jobs and economy.

Mark Wadsworth said...

S_L, no, but it can't be denied that she has/had nice bumps.

M, there may be something in that, e.g. Chris Huhne dumped his wife and ran off with a former lesbian and nobody batted an eyelid. There again there may be nothing in it e.g. Tiger Woods' affairs came to light when the recession was well underway and we rejoiced in every minute of it.