Thanks to everybody who responded to last week's Fun Online Poll.
Seven per cent answered "Yes" to the question "Did it make you feel scared when your parents drank alcohol?", which is, as I expected, considerably lower than the figure of thirty per cent parrotted by the BBC last week. But I suppose the BBC are always on the lookout for things that should be banned and any evidence is good enough for them.
@ Morg, yes, my childhood was a bit like that as well.
This week's Fun Online Poll is a bit more mundane: "Did you spend less time blogging when the weather was so hot?" I know I certainly did. Anything involving more physical or mental effort than sitting in the garden dozing seemed to be almost too much to ask.
Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.
And finally... the most chosen option in this Fun Online Poll was that there would be between 11 and 100 violent deaths at the football world cup in South Africa.
Having posted all the stories I was aware of, I make it about eight, but I may have missed a few. Thanks to Chuckles who pointed out most of them to me.
Cover Me! 'Hallelujah'
1 hour ago
M, You are most welcome, glad to have been of assistance. It is easier if one knows the territory. (I hesitate to say 'where the bodies are buried')
C, I did try Googling "South Africa" and "died" or "death" occasionally, but even if I restricted search to last few days I got thousands of hits :-(
Not trying to denigrate your Googling skills M, just suggesting that it is a lot easier with some local knowledge.
You are missing some current big hitters in the Darwin, cow parallels and WTF markets -
Ch, ta, but I have my hands full keeping up with cow attacks and giant sink holes.
Are they descriminated upon? pls if u got any info about the relationship btw whites & blacks in south africa and zimbabwe do share.
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