In the absence of any new 'research' in the past twelve hours, the BBC trot out yet another timeless classic:
Replacing white rice with brown rice and wholemeal bread could cut the risk of diabetes by a third, US experts say...
Key word: 'could'.
PS, am I just getting older or are these health scare stories getting progressively less scary?
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
3 hours ago
"The study is based on questionnaires; some say the data is not robust enough to base firm conclusions on. "
Not if, like me, the respondents habitually lie on questionnaires... ;)
Yes, you are getting older. That's life. You are probably reaching that state of grace called being a middle aged dad. In other words you're fireproof. By now you have sorted out pretty well how it all works and have seen the same things come round again. So, like me, you read all these health scares guff (or in my case, not read them) and move on whilst takinga refreshing gulp of the scotch or a bite aof a bacon sandwich or whatever. By now you know that 95% of this stuff is total bollocks put out by some interest group and discovered by some junior news hack in need of promotion.
MW, like me you have become just to damn' sensible. (Well not me. I still act and think like an 18 year old. Mind you it buggers up my back and I am sure that I must have some sort of invisibility cloak as far as attractive oyung ladies are concerned).
JM, exactly. Plus about a quarter of the world's population lives off white rice, that's a big enough sample, surely?
L, when people first started catching AIDS, that was scary (and I suppose it still is), but we all (well most of us) survived Asian flu, bird flu, swine flu and so on. If they think they can trick us with the old 'white food is bad for you' doolally, well...
How does one catch a syndrome?
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