Saturday 12 June 2010

Ban the Vuvuzela

Or: "Run!"

Or: why I chose to watch today's episode of Doctor Who instead. I was pleased to see the words 'The Doctor rocks' (at 39 min 45 seconds in) spelled out with fridge magnets.


Dick Puddlecote said...

As a libertarian ... I fully endorse your headline. ;-)

As for the Doctor, I watched both. Not you?

Mark Wadsworth said...

DP, as a libertarian, I have no interest in banning it or otherwise. As a 'blogger I figured that a lot of people would be Googling that phrase. As to football, England always do quite well until and unless I happen to be watching it on telly, so I try and avoid doing so where possible.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Gah! Well that didn't work then ... unless you were thinking 'green' at around 8:10pm.


RantinRab said...

Well done England! :-)

James Higham said...

Having no TV, it was not an issue for me. Nor was the Hyundai ad and though the English press did not run a live coverage, the NYT did - thank goodness for the net.

DBC Reed said...

Attempting to ban the vuvu is obviously an attempt to skew the results of the violent deaths at the World Cup league.

Ross said...

Oddly enough I did google the phrase "ban the vuvuzela" yesterday, although before this post was up.

CountingCats said...

Well, between not giving a toss AND living in a country where what we call soccer is the third and most minor code I didn't even know the whole farrago was about to start.