Tuesday 1 June 2010

"Alberta woman survives vicious cow attack"

From canada.com:

A cow attack left Glenda Mosher with a broken jaw, her right cheek bone in four pieces, a fractured skull and all but two ribs broken... On March 27, they noticed a cow and two calves from a friend's herd mixed in with their own. Gary, Glenda, and their 10-year-old grandson, Travis, went to take a look. They separated the cow and the two calves and were walking them along a fence line toward a gate when the cow suddenly turned and charged.

Glenda doesn't have any memory of the attack. The cow's head smashed into Glenda, knocking her to the ground. It rolled her over four times and repeatedly stepped on her. The couple's two dogs came to the rescue, biting the cow and chasing it away...

Unusually, the dogs seem to have broken up the fight, rather than actually causing it, as is normally the case.


James Higham said...

My mother once hit a cow over the head with a broom.

The cow did not enjoy it.

JuliaM said...

Another English case.