Friday 30 April 2010

Fun Online Polls: Who was the real winner of the 'Prime Minister's Debates'?

For the sake of topicality, I shall put last week's Fun Online Poll on hold and sound out 'real' opinion: Who was the real winner of the 'Prime Minister's Debates'?

Vote here and choose from: Alistair Stewart; Adam Boulton; one or other of the Dimblebys; one of the cardboard cutouts on stage with a brightly coloured tie. Or use the widget in the sidebar, obviously.

PS, I had a lovely time at the Adam Smith Institute 'bloggers bash. Thanks to everybody who turned up.


Dick Puddlecote said...

Jeez, you got back quick!

TheFatBigot said...

I forgot.

Brain said "debate = curry", I knew there was somewhere else I should have been.

Oh well, maybe next year if the interweb is still going by then.

Chuckles said...

Who was the real winner of the 'Prime Minister's Debates'?

The people who ignored them completely, thus indicating that they possess -

a. Taste.
b. A modicum of Common sense.
c. A life.
d. Limited control over their gag reflex.


Nick Drew said...

good to meet you Mark

the Harman challenge is On !
