Thursday 8 April 2010

Chart Of The Week (Everything is better under Labour)

In case you are wondering, this is not a spoof. It's on page 19 of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport's Five Year Plan from 2004.


James Higham said...

Yeah but when you get there, you can hardly get anything done in your free hour because the keyboard is so primitive.

Lola said...

No-ones going to be taken in by that are they? Surely they'll know that there wasn't much inetrnet in 1997?

Mark Wadsworth said...

JH, indeed. As much as I have an old-fashioned atheist's reverence for public libraries, I'd rather pay £1 an hour at an internet cafe.

L, exactly. They might as well have done a chart of "Households with internet access" or something.

Anonymous said...

And there was me thinking Al Gore invented the internet - it was those boffins at the Dept for Culture Media and Sport all along!