From The Torygraph:
“There was a time when people made more money from watching their home appreciate than from doing their job. That’s mad. People should go to work primarily to make money, and buy a home primarily to feel secure.”
I'm really rather surprised to hear him say that.
H/t Flintster at HPC
Should Have Stayed In The Working Men’s Clubs Then
28 minutes ago
Mind you, all them posh papers are the same.
Who he?
"People should go to work primarily to make money, and buy a home primarily to feel secure"
People should go to work primarily to make a living, and make a home primarily to feel happy
What is there to feel insecure about , except asteroids, volcanoes, earthquakes and the big crunch
P, I have amended.
D, Phil is a property porn star off of the telly.
RS, I could also argue he should have said "People should primarily make money by going to work...", details, details...
Ta. If they don't appear in Poirot I tend not to know their names.
MW: We don't make money when we go to work. We make things that other people want in exchange. Wealth
The mindset that says money = wealth is at the heart of the un-think
Banks create money as debt. Money is not wealth. We know this.
It is not just a detail. it is central.
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