From The Metro:
Seven primary school children have been ordered to wear green sun hats after having their hair cut too short.
School rules forbid children having cuts shorter than a clippered 'number two'. But it has a predominantly black school roll and parents say their hair must be cut short to prevent it becoming messy. Some have threatened to withdraw their children in protest.
Dorothy Bako, 35, whose son Shama, nine, was forced to wear the head gear, said: 'It's unbelievable. We feel angry, it's such a drastic step. It promotes bullying in the school. Shama doesn't like wearing it.' Another parent, who did not want to be named, said: 'It's one step away from reintroducing the dunce's cap. 'There is a racial element to this as well because most of the children having cropped hair cuts are black, so it singles them out.'
Debra Newman, headteacher at Corpus Christi Catholic primary school in Coventry, the policy and said most parents were 'fully supportive' of it. 'We're just following school policy and making sure we treat everyone the same,' she said.
I love these finely balanced Victimhood Poker games!!
In the Green Corner, we have the bansturbators and global warmenists who reckon that a little bit of sunshine (wot? we've just emerged from the longest, coldest winter for decades) will hurt the little darlings and doesn't care about humiliating them. They've got 'it's-for-the-children' as their strongest card.
In the Black Corner, we have the African-Caribbean parents unashamedly playing the 'racism' card. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if the school roll is 'predominantly black' (I think that's the old-fashioned word for 'African-Caribbean', which in turn is the new version of 'Afro-Caribbean', keep up at the back), then isn't it a bit difficult to 'single out' pupils on the basis of skin colour?
Further, correct me if this is just prejudice, but isn't African-Caribbean skin already very good at shielding them from 'the sun's harmful rays'? When you see photos of school children in Africa, are they all wearing twatty green hats? Methinks not.
In any event, this is much more exciting than if the kids being singled out were white boys with skinhead haircuts, they wouldn't stand a chance. Or even better, ginger kids, because they are most likely to have an adverse reaction to a bit of sunshine. They'd be pretty much f***ed.
As a final thought, how can Ms Newman justify this on the basis that it's 'school policy'? Doesn't she set the school policy? It's the 'school policy' that's being criticised here, not just the way it is being implemented.
Virtual World
53 minutes ago
Back when I was in school the head master was very strict about hairstyles and would explode with anger if someone had an inappropriate one, leading on one occassion to him seeing a boy with a crew cut and shouting "GROW THAT HAIR BACK AT ONCE BOY!"
Only one thing to do. Get more popcorn!
I wonder what this school's academic record is like..?
I doubt this is anything to do with protecting the little darlings from a bit of sunshine. It's blatantly the school setting out ridiculous rules that do nothing to improve education standards.
Radical idea: we send kids to school to learn, rather than having their haircut judged.
The headteacher certainly has an important role to play in setting out teh rulez, but the school governors also have an important role too.
Oh and come on, 'predominantly' is an adverb that could be attached to any ethnic group.
R, is that true or an urban myth?
JM, I was tempted to use your time honoured "Why can't they both lose?"
DS, indeed. I assumed 'predominantly' means 'rather more than half'.
In light of statistical evidence that black people are far less likely to develop skin cancer than whites yet at Northern latitudes more prone to rickets, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has denounced the sun as 'institutionally racist.'
She endorsed the Burkha as a means of boycotting solar radiation and announced her intention to live on a completely different planet. When asked to comment on the latter nobody from anywhere was available.
DH, yes that's true re rickets. All the less reason to make the poor kids wear silly hats in the feeble March sun.
It is clearly racist. Green sun hats will look dandy on the ginger kids but rubbish on the African-Carribeans.
This calls to mind that prize chump Chris Lewis, the England all-rounder. He assumed that black skin was impervious to the sun, so he shaved his head and then spent a day in the field, in the West Indies, hatless. he got sun-stroke.
That's me out - I've a N1.
Completely OT but the comment mentioning Chris Lewis (who could have been one of Englands greatest all-rounders, but for the fact he was a twat) reminds me of his comment in an interview - when asked what he would have ended up doing if not playing cricket professionally, he answered 'I'd have liked to be a gigolo, I'd be good at that".
Obviously whatever confidence he lacked on the field, he more than made up for off it!
Bruce, that's racist against gingers :(
D, you get sunstroke from the heat. That's hardly likely to happen in England in March.
JH, and you used to be a teacher as well. You'd have to chuck yourself out of your own school.
S, but he ever take it up? If not, then he was lying.
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