Friday 12 February 2010

Thirteenth hand smoke

Some Google searches carried out while writing this post gives us the following number of results:
Second hand smoke - 1,050,000
Third hand smoke - 1,050,000
Fourth hand smoke - 5,010
Fifth hand smoke - 2,620
Sixth hand smoke - 230
Seventh hand smoke - 150
Eighth hand smoke -8
Ninth hand smoke - 6
Tenth hand smoke - 10
Eleventh hand smoke - 1
Twelfth hand smoke - 2
Thirteenth hand smoke - 0 (although hopefully that will increase, once I've posted this)

UPDATE: Excellent, as of now, we get sixty hits for "thirteenth hand smoke", most of them leading straight back to here.


Duncan Stott said...

Googling "13th hand smoke" found me this amusing blogpost:

Anonymous said...

Yes I googled third hand smoke.
The first page is full of junk journalism paid for by the anti smoking lobby.
No, actually paid for by my bloody taxes more like.
Stupid people are going to believe this.
Thats a lot of people !

Witterings from Witney said...

for God's sake MW - I know it is pretty empty but are you trying to put ideas into the head of Deborah Arnott?

Leg-iron said...

We should get ASH on to fourth and fifth hand smoke.

Even those who were all in favour of the smoking ban and who really hate smoking are starting to balk at the third-hand smoke nonsense. Push further. It'll break.

James Higham said...

You use your time well, Mark. :)