From the BBC:
The leader of Carmarthenshire council has called for drugs to be legalised. Meryl Gravell OBE said she despaired of the number of deaths in Llanelli - the largest town in the county - attributed to heroin. She said she wanted a debate over future drugs policy, although said she did not have 'all the answers'...
She said she wanted to people to gain more knowledge about drugs and to "get the debate rolling". Mrs Gravell said the prohibition of drugs was not working in Llanelli.
"If they are made legal, then there is no case of people wanting what they can't have, and the drug dealers can't make any money out of it," she said, "All I know is that when my children were growing up they wanted to go out and drink - so I let them try a little bit of alcohol in the house. They didn't like the taste, and the curiosity disappeared. If something is forbidden, it's exciting to young people. Maybe we could tax drugs rather than banning them, and make money to put back into services weaning people off substances. Or maybe we could control the strength available. I know I could be setting myself up for a lot of backlash here... simply banning them isn't working... it's time for a change."
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:20-21
7 hours ago
She might well get a backlash,but it won't be as reasoned as the simple points she makes in the piece you have quoted.
Legalise all drugs.
Legalisation has even better than benefits th she seems to have realised.
Legalise (but do not approve of) recreational narcotics.
Risk premium for their supply disappears.
Afghan farmers cannot make any more money out of growing them and farm food instead.
Taliban goes bust.
UK squaddies do what they do best. Kill remaining under-resourced and fanatical and deluded rag heads.
British Army can come home and perennially corrupt Afghan government can set about going from local tribalism to national tribalism.
Pakistan A Bomb not now under so much threat.
US happier.
I get a bit more peace and quiet.
Inclined to agree on this one. the spin-offs, as you and Lola point out, are not bad.
CAU long waiting lists. DIP srvices now only criminal referrals. Want heroin treatment then commit a crime is the quickest way to get help. Its almost like no crime no help in Wales. England offer treatment within a few days walk in services. Not in Wales, who is to blame? Welsh Government??
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