Glorious. From the BBC:
The French government has refused to grant citizenship to a foreign national on the grounds that he forced his wife to wear the full Islamic veil. The man, whose current nationality was not given, needed citizenship to settle in the country with his French wife. But Immigration Minister Eric Besson said this was being refused because he was depriving his wife of the liberty to come and go with her face uncovered...
"It became apparent during the regulation investigation and the prior interview that this person was compelling his wife to wear the all-covering veil, depriving her of the freedom to come and go with her face uncovered, and rejected the principles of secularism and equality between men and women," he said. Later, the minister stressed that French law required anyone seeking naturalisation to demonstrate their desire for integration.
1 hour ago
"French law required anyone seeking naturalisation to demonstrate their desire for integration": and if they don't they're sent to Britain.
Good on France.
Assimilation NOT integration.
This is so controversial and is not clearcut in the sense that the state is dictating on religious grounds. However, it's right in the case of a religion which not only tries to subvert but has the numbers to do it and a history of violence as its methods.
But they are not discriminating. They are applying the same rules that they apply to any other religious group in France;
You want to live here, you will live by our laws. And one of those laws is, that religion, it's customs or beliefs (Although even a lot of the higher muslim clerics themselves dispute if the burk and hair IS part of their religious rules/beliefs) will not be forced upon any one.
They are, in France, at least being consistant.
D, JH, excellent further points.
FT, yup. If Saudi or Iran says that women may or may not dress in such-and-such a manner, then every woman has a free choice - move there or don't move there. Their country, their rules. Ditto France.
K: "Can't they all lose?"
Let's hope so!
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