From The Daily Echo:
Mr Charleston was arrested after [19-year- old Jenny Escudero] told police that he had raped her on the bus, which is run by Bluestar.
However, when police questioned Mr Charleston about the allegations, he told them that she had given full consent to their double-decker sexual encounter and that it would have been filmed by the vehicle's CCTV cameras, which were still running at the time. After officers checked the explicit footage they began to question Escudero's story. Mr Charleston was never charged over the allegation.
Escudero, of Lilac Road, Southampton, later admitted lying to police about the rape claim and pleaded guilty at Southampton Crown Court to attempting to pervert the course of justice. Judge Peter Ralls QC said that when he first looked at the case he believed that it would end only in a "substantial prison sentence" as such a serious offence can undermine genuine rape cases...
...can you feel a "but" coming on..?
However, after seeing a threatening letter allegedly sent to her by Mr Charleston's daughter, he told the court it was clear that there was some background to her claims of harassment and that she may have felt justified in making her fake rape accusation as a "genuine cry for help"... He told the court that Escudero had been very young and had "emotional difficulties" when she became involved with Mr Charleston and that the court needed to show an "element of mercy".
Escudero was sentenced to 50 weeks, suspended for two years, and ordered to carry out 240 hours of unpaid work.
... so did the story at least end happily for the bus driver concerned..?
Bluestar operations manager Alex Hornby confirmed that Mr Charleston no longer worked for the firm. He said: "No company, let alone a bus operator, would ever tolerate behaviour of this nature from an employee."
Crown That
4 hours ago
I particularly like the phrasing of that, "it would have been filmed", suggesting that until approached by police officers it had never occurred to him to check. It would have been the first thing most guys would have done, under the circumstances, and then posted it on you tube.
Once upon a time filming one's sexual encounters would have seemed creepy, now it just seems like a sensible precaution.
Seems almost sensible to me actually.
He had sex at work, so why shouldnt he be sacked.
She should be punished for making a false accussation, but personally i would just make her pay costs, plus a few weeks in jail.
I think all this suspended sentance crap is the real issue.
Judge Krauser:
1. Guy receives written warning for sex on the job
2. Woman sentenced to jail for whatever the average custodial term for actual rapists
3. Harassing daughter given slap on wrist
4. Guy bought several rounds of drinks by friends for banging a 19yr old on a bus
However, when police questioned Mr Charleston about the allegations, he told them that she had given full consent to their double-decker sexual encounter and that it would have been filmed by the vehicle's CCTV cameras, which were still running at the time. After officers checked the explicit footage they began to question Escudero's story. Mr Charleston was never charged over the allegation.
I have some on that too. Makes one question the legit ones, doesn't it?
RLJ, good point.
Anon, he had consensual sex outside of work hours on work premises. What's the problem?
K, will you also be hearing the divorce proceedings?
JH, when you say "legit", do you mean the ones where the man was convicted?
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