There has been a heated debate about what to call this year: "Twenty-ten" and "Two-thousand-and-ten" appear to be the front runners, with "Ten" and "Two-oh-ten" as outsiders.
I'd rather attack this one head on, and as somebody who once failed an eyesight test*, would like to suggest "Zoyo", because if you substitute letters for numbers, "2010" looks a bit like "ZOIO" (pronounced "Zoyo").
* When I was in hospital after an exploding bottle smashed in my left eye, I was faced with one of those charts, and being an accountant rather than a poet, dutifully recited "One, five, two, eight, four ...". The doctor gazed at me horrified and told me that the chart actually read "I, S, Z, B, A...".
As you do under these circumstances, I then learned the whole chart off by heart, right down to the letters that were only a couple of millimetres high, by dint of leaving my right eye slightly open. A couple of days later the doctor told me that my eyesight appeared to have recovered, at which stage it was my turn to gaze at him horrified and tell him in no uncertain terms that his stupid chart was a test of memory, not a test of eyesight.
Net Zero Defence
1 hour ago
Hope all's well with your sight now Mark.
They've cottoned onto the likes of us at my local eye clinic. Remote control changes every test. What a bummer eh? :)
Sub, it happened nineteen years ago, they popped a plastic lens in and that was that. Changing the test on you seems pretty underhand.
Too much for the brain on a New Year's Day.
What did you say to attract the exploding bottle? Come on - this has got to be worth hearing ...
JH, either it will catch on or it won't.
S_L, I was opening a litre bottle of Coca Cola with one of those old-fashioned pressed aluminium tops. The top wasn't threaded properly (normally after one turn the built up gas leaks out, and then you have to turn the top again to actually get it off) so after a quarter turn the top flew off smack bang straight into my eye.
It seemed the bottle temporarily gave you L33t Sp34k
WV: efenel
F'in'Hell. Quite.
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