Via HPC, a fine article in The Business Investor entitled How The Housing Bubble Destroyed Our Future.
Sorry to have to break this to you, but we have to choose between a modern, innovative economy or a Home-Owner-Ist death spiral. You can't have it both, and I'd prefer the former, if that's all right.
The Blob is the disease
1 hour ago
Seconded - and I'm in the effing home-owner-ist for chrissake.
Seconded - and I'm in the effing home-owner-ist business for chrissake.
(Corrected version)
wr = turdr - quite.
I'm assuming your talking about an Alchemist. And i'm also assuming you're talking about "Full Metal Alchemist", because "The Alchemist" is a novel not a series.
What is it you've got about ownership? Is property theft?
L, thanks for support.
Louisiana, are you a spambot?
Anon, income tax is theft, land ownership is theft. Draw your own conclusions.
A combination of greedy venture capitalists jacking up real estate values and the government's ill conceived solution of making a bank make a loan for these ridiculously high selling prices rather than just curb the price gouging. The market prices started to spike in the 80's when "investment properties" were in vogue... they never came back down.
There you have it, a combination of unchecked greed and a customer base crippled financially by stupid public policies caused the housing market nosedive. And they only bailed out the rich... go figure.
Everybody knew it would happen, just not when or how bad. Unfortunately the people who pushed for and voted for change are getting a far different kind of change than they expected, because the people who caused it are still in office.
Im planning a shopping spree, but i dont know if its worth to go, specially for Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle and Victoria Secrets stores. Please if you have gone before, tell me if its worth to go all the way there for those stores.
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