Today I have been mainly lazing around and reading Scared to Death: From BSE to Global Warming: Why Scares are Costing Us the Earth.
It is a most awesome book, incredibly well researched etc. Warmly recommended.
Starmer’s authoritarian instincts
3 hours ago
Scared the crap out of me when I read it. Stunning level of detail, if a little dismissive in some places.
Too frightening to read.
Already read it MW. It should be required reading of everyone! Yet another reason to get rid of the Con/Lab/Libdem - aka - A***lickers of Brussels - shower of idiots!
Would also recommend Ian Plimers Book 'Heaven and Earth'.
One point that comes across in the book is that science reports should always have their method, raw data, statistical analysis and computer programs released with the findings of that report. Without that it is always scaremongering.
LFAT, I found it depressing rather than frightening.
JH, as WFW says, it is a 'must read'.
PW, indeed. But that still presupposes that journalists read any further than the press release and plough through hundreds of pages of explanations etc.
Francis Wheen's Mumbo Jumbo should be on the list too - I suspect he's preparing a new chapter and revised edition
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