Thursday 7 January 2010

Fun Online Polls: Planning, Iceland, The Prince of Darkness

A big thank you to everybody who took part in last week's poll. 86% thought that we'd end up richer "If we allowed more housing, roads, railways, factories and power stations to be built in the UK.", as against 14% who thought we'd end up poorer. Sadly, those 14% probably represent a vast majority of UK voters. Ah well.

I was going to do a Fun Online Poll on whether we should declare war on Iceland, but Ross beat me to it, so please cast your vote over at his.

Following the Hoon/Hewitt shenanigins, Mandy was back on Newsnight this evening, which prompts this week's poll question: "Who is the real Prince Of Darkness?". Candidates are Ozzy Osbourne and Peter Mandelson.

Cast your vote here or use the widget in the sidebar.


James Higham said...

Mandelson hands down.

Anonymous said...

Is the amount of money that iceland owes us worth this hassle?

It seems a rather trivial amount compared to just 1 months deficit.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JH, it appears that a majority agree with you.

Anon, no, it's all just bluster.