Friday 15 January 2010

Friday night gear change

Tony Christie's "Amarillo", a semi-tone up at 2 minutes 45 seconds in a song lasting 3 minutes 13 seconds.

That appears to be straight out of the textbook, i.e. "it was getting a bit boring but it's too early to fade it out just yet". But once you have got used to it, you start to wonder, why not do one at 2 minutes 59 seconds as well? And, while we're at it, there seems to be a gear-change missing at 2 minutes 31 seconds.


Duncan Stott said...

Have you done the ridiculous gear change in Build Me Up Buttercup yet? Ridiculous.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Duncan, ta, do you mean this one, eight seconds before the fade?

Sadly, Racey managed to squeeze one in five second before the fade, so it doesn't even qualify as "ridiculous gear change closest to the fade", does it?

James Higham said...

Perfection is so hard to achieve. It took me a long time.