Thursday 14 January 2010

Doubleplusgood! Cost of alcohol plummets!

A few days ago, a committee of MPs solemnly announced that the "total cost of alcohol to [English] society has been put at £55 billion".

Yesterday, according to Tory health meddler Andrew Lansley MP (who doesn't appear to realise that "one unit" of alcohol, in this country, is already defined as "one centilitre of pure alcohol"), the cost had dropped to a mere £20 billion.

Maybe he didn't get the memo?


Letters From A Tory said...

Maybe he made it up.

DBC Reed said...

Henry George (no less) had a brilliant plan to reduce alcohol consumption by drastically reducing the price.Alcoholic drink would be available everywhere with no licensing as such. Because prices would be so low, bar owners would have to make money alternatively out of providing food entertainment etc: the cafe society which our ruling-class yearns for in its silly way.