Friday 4 December 2009

Has there been a ClimateGate/Downfall spoof yet?

Just askin', is all.

UPDATE: Thanks to Richard North, this:
PS, NIH refers to the US National Institutes of Health, who dole out government money to people who'll do 'research' to back up whatever it is the MMGW lobby are trying to prove.


Richard said...

Try to keep up Mark ... its been out over a week

Anonymous said...

Where's the beef gone?

banned said...
dunno if its the same as Richards, been on my blog since Nov 24th.

Mark Wadsworth said...

R, ta.

Anon, that's not what I meant but Paul at the end is fun "It's like happy hour at the funny farm"

B, that's a different one, I'll stick it up.

banned said...

Cheers !