Monday, 14 December 2009

The Evening Standard does irony

From today's Evening Standard:

Boris Johnson today urged the world to stop having so many babies to protect the planet. The London Mayor also called on the City to join the green crusade and restore its battered reputation.

Father-of four Mr Johnson said: "There is no doubt that humanity faces a risk of environmental catastrophe We are replicating too fast, hurtling towards nine billion souls on the planet like bacteria multiplying on a Petri dish..."


Witterings from Witney said...

Well if MPs stopped f***ing about that would be a start!

James Higham said...

Tell it to the Chinese.

JuliaM said...

Given the notorious predelictions of, it seems, ALL politicians, perhaps that should read 'father-of-four-that-we-know-about'..?

Anonymous said...

Another attempt to control our lives to the point where a married couple no longer will have the ability to decide how many children they have. Does someone want to control us? Yes.