From The BBC:
Concern is rising about climate change around the world, according to a poll by GlobeScan for the BBC. Nearly two-thirds of 24,071 people polled in 23 countries said climate change was a "very serious" problem - up from 44% in a GlobeScan 1998 poll.
From The Metro:
Only 37 per cent of people in 54 countries were 'very concerned' about climate change, down from 41 per cent in 2007. Economic woes had pushed it down the agenda, said experts. In the US, the number fell from 34 per cent to 25 per cent, presenting a challenge to president Barack Obama who wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Monday, 7 December 2009
"Climate concerns" increasing, decreasing.
My latest blogpost: "Climate concerns" increasing, decreasing.Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Global cooling, statistics
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Wonder if Globescan/BBC have destroyed their original data ;-)
It would be surprising if the recession hadn't pushed CAGW down the list.
While according to the Daily Telegraph
"Only one in two voters accepts man-made climate change, according to new poll.
Nearly one in two voters believes there is no proof that mankind is causing global warming, according to a new opinion poll."
DT global warming poll
One just does not know who to turn to these days.
Indeed one doesn't banned, but I certainly won't be turning to the grimacing PM who called me a flat earth climate sceptic yesterday. How very dare he!
Turns out that concerns about climate change are always changing as their variation is an entirely natural effect. Some commentators argue it is man-made effect that is causing the concerns to yo-yo violently at incresing speed and along a longer and longer bit of string.
Ecoyoyo theorists say that at some point soon the string will break, the yo will fly off and hit us in the eye, then we'll be sorry.
Other people say the yoyo graph has as much validity as the hockey stick graph one and are waiting to see what sports equipment will be put forward next to conceptualize climate change concerns. A hot-air ballon has been suggested.
NC, at least one of the two surveys must be a lie, possibly both.
B, good work, but a 50/50 is no good as a tie-breaker.
Sub, funny, he called me that too!
WOAR, I think a tennis racket shape - there's the known past (a straight, flat line) and as to the future, it's 50/50 whether it'll be colder or warmer, but if you go far enough into the future, the most likely outcome is that it will be exactly the same as now.
"One just does not know who to turn to these days."
All part of NuLab "inclusivity", I suppose. Everyone has their own poll and everyone is right. There are no losers. Hurrah!
I worry about AGW the first thing getting up in the morning and don't rest easy until I read a lot of headlines on the way to work telling me something must and will be done. Then I come home and switch on the evening news to make sure government response has been hard and heavy on the side of charging a heavy tax for carbon credits through an international consortium of one world government leadership.
I never drink, never smoke, never eat lard - I recycle religiously and tattle to the council on any neighbors I see not doing the same.
After a week's worth of this I find myself resting better come night time knowing government is the solution to all my own caused problems and hope I die off soon enough so I can provide fertilizer for the organics and other healthy things growing in our communal garden tended by volunteers forced to put in the labour to keep it tended.
Life under NuLab is the best it's ever been, I do swear.
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