Saturday 7 November 2009

"Motorists dies after hitting deer"

H-hum. it seems those donkeys were on to something after all. From The (Brighton?) Argus:

A motorist has died after his car hit a deer on a country road, police said today.... Police asked for witnesses to contact them on 0845 6070 999, quoting Operation Theydon.

I wonder whether this counts as a criminal investigation?

Via CaptainFF.


dearieme said...

The only roadkill that we've eaten have been deer and pheasant. Deer do furnish a freezer so.

Mark Wadsworth said...

D, from the deer's point of view, this driver was "road kill". How the others will be laughing back in their cave (or wherever it is they live).

Witterings from Witney said...

Donkeys = Politicians? No? Oh well......

Anyway, Deer and Donkeys makes a change from bloody cows, MW

James Higham said...

Seems more like poetic justice.

Pavlov's Cat said...

I think the deer was aiming for a higher body count
According to the BBC, there were two cars involved,

A motorist died in a crash when two cars hit a deer on a country road in East Sussex.

Anonymous said...

"quoting Operation Theydon."


Operation Theydon, seems a rather grandiose name for a road accident.

Could there be more similar incidents that are not being reported?

WV. thimpers

Could thinper be the mastermind behind all this- escaped from the Walt Disney studios

silicone breast implants said...

How was the dear was that all right.