I was flicking through the channels before I turned in for the night, and was horrified to see an advert on CNN for this lot.
Net Zero Defence
1 hour ago
I was flicking through the channels before I turned in for the night, and was horrified to see an advert on CNN for this lot.
My latest blogpost: Fucking NazisTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Racism
Shall I order you a bottle?
""ChiMere" ( TM ) (chi-mer-re), A GIFT of CREATION, is the product brand men of color worldwide have been waiting to receive!"
Racist cosmetics, whatever next ?
""KuLio ( TM ) ( coo-lee-oh ), A GIFT FROM GOD, is the product brand white women have been waiting to recieve !"
And what?
In India they advertise creams to lighten the skin colour (the adverts are on TV, I saw them when I was there), in the Caribbean people with darkest skin tone are considered lower caste. It is 'better' socially to have lighter colour skin in these countries, therefore there is a market for creams to do so (not sure how safe they are though).
Much in the same way we try to darken our skin with tans (fake and real) to increase our social status. Except that they have now become the sign of uber-chavness and probably Victorian style lily white skin will be in vogue instead.
Adure Advanced Formula Tummy Flattening Gel
Price: $59.00
Adure Bust Boost Lifting & Firming Creme Adure Bust Boost Lifting & Firming Creme
Price: $60.00
WTF? It's like the superb Mitchell & Webb's homepathic A&E sketch, "People with more money than sense."
Maybe they should call themselves Ordure instead.
I thinks that there is no harm to check it out once.
Until the Industrial Revolution Superior Persons aimed to keep a pale complexion to indicate that they did not do manual labour in the fields in contrast to the peasantry.
When the industrial working classes got herded into factories, mines and crowded sunless slums they too became pale skinned.
Sunbathing was in reaction to this, it showed that you had the leisure time to loll around sunbathing and the wealth to have been to sunnier climes.
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