Monday, 23 November 2009

Channel 4 News covers the climate change fraud emails

At 18 minutes 18 seconds into part 3 of this evening's news.

They usually invite two people to give opposing views, but this time they just allowed some 'climate change scientist' to deny all charges. They did mention that Nigel Lawson has called for an enquiry into all this nonsense, we'll see what comes of that.


knirirr said...

They did mention the "trick" e-mail in such a way as to make sure it looked incredibly dodgy, though.

dearieme said...

Ive just abandoned Newsnight's coverage where that plain girl who covers science was whitewashing away like mad. I left when they'd got to the spot where we were told that cold years are just weather (whereas we've always been assured that hot years are climate).

Dick Puddlecote said...

I wouldn't worry so much. This is the fake charity 'science by press release' in reverse.

I was informed by two employees today that AGW was a scam and had been uncovered as such. I quizzed them a touch to see if they knew any of the facts behind the story, but they didn't. It just slotted into their minds nicely, much like the way fake science is fed to the same people on a routine basis by bansturbators.

The science is so very complicated with AGW that just the talk of it being bollocks is enough to change views. The warmenists can wave their arms and scream foul as much as they like, but the damage is done.

Nice to see the principle working in our favour for once. :-)

banned said...

Professor Andrew Watson would be enough to have most viewers coughing up their cocoa.

Re Phil Jones " His whole credibility relies upon the transparancy of the scientific method ". Yes Andy, that is the whole point about Climategate and Jones' credibility is shot to pieces.

Tim Almond said...

The most damaging revelation isn't this one. It's the email from the plant scientist in East Anglia about the trees which seems to rubbish the science of it.

If these guys had just released the raw temperature data, I'm sure this would never have happened...

banned said... is reporting that arch-warmist George Monbiot is calling for Steve Jones to resign.

Normy Smith said...


"They usually invite two people to give opposing views"

Substitute "usually" for "rarely"

If you look at the historic record in the media on the topic. If it has flipped round recently, that is only because the public mind set accepts the theory now, which is not perfect and is now in the control of Big Fossil. Tough, we asked for it!

I detect a strong element of fear lately because of this effect. Its intriguing.

Also I would beware of listening to Nigel Lawson. He is a demagogue. He also wrecked our economy through ignorance in 1989. Argument here:

I'd like to think we think harder than that ?