Via Global Post, here's a nice little insight into how things works at the EU:
... the hard-headed lobbyists representing the renewable energy industry in Europe these days has come a long way from that image of tree-hugging dreamers.
“The European renewable energy industry has an annual turnover of about 45 billion euros and employs 450,000 people,” said Christine Lins, general secretary of the European Renewable Energy Council. EREC is an umbrella group for a series of associations representing what were once called “alternative energies.” Although the associations sometimes work with environmental campaigners like Greenpeace, their membership includes industrial giants such as Electricite de France, Shell and Siemens.
Renewable energy these days is a big business that could be about to get a whole lot bigger if world leaders agree on a package to cut global warming at the U.N. climate change conference starting Dec. 7 in Copenhagen.
EREC has an annual budget of 850,000 euros ($1.3 million) and directly employs 10 people at its Brussels headquarters, which it shares with affiliate organisations such as the European Biomass Association and the European Ocean Energy Association. In total about 100 people work at the Renewable Energy House. It is part of a vast lobbying community — some estimates put the total number of lobbyists at 15,000 — that has grown up in Brussels around the institutions of the European Union which are headquartered in the Belgian capital.
EREC seeks to influence European legislation to create "positive frameworks" for renewable energy and promote European technologies in the renewable sector. It hailed the EU's target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 to 30 percent by 2020 as a major success. The umbrella group provides information and consultancy for political decision makers from local to international level as well as seeking to reach out to the international media and other opinion makers. EREC also works as a forum for exchanges of information and promotes research on the development of renewable technology.
“We have some of our members that are the utilities, that not only run wind farms and concentrated solar thermic plants but also nuclear or coal power plants,” Lins said, "We also see that more and more hydrocarbon companies are interested in biofuels because clearly they understand that their markets are limited and that they need to diversify in order to ensure the future of their companies.”
With the 27-nation European Union committed to producing a fifth of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, Lins said the sector could be generating 150 billion euros ($225 billion) in revenues and 2 million jobs across the EU a decade from now. That could be just the beginning.
“It is absolutely feasible that we go far beyond the 20 percent,” she said, "There are no limits. Now, there is a discussion going on about the new energy policy of the European Union until 2050, and there we clearly see that renewables can contribute up to 100 percent.”
Monday, 30 November 2009
"A renewable energy lobby seeks power in Brussels"
My latest blogpost: "A renewable energy lobby seeks power in Brussels"Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Corporatism, EU, Global cooling, Lobbyists, Nuclear power, Windmills
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Good, I've something coming out tomorrow and this fits in nicely.
This Green Economy nonsense with its vast 'turnover' and unproductive employees will see the downfall of us all. All that money might as well be spent on painting rocks.
Brussels has been Lobby Central for some years and it will get worse as the Euro Regions get more and more power, lobbying in Brussels against each other for a bigger slice of the Euro pie but with no net gain for the general population.
All I have to say is '100% my arse'.
I think they are being pessimistic. They could easily go to 120 or even 150%. All they would need is government schemes to deliberately waste the excess energy created (e.g. by "energy capture and storage schemes). Think of all the extra jobs! The prosperity! Nirvana beckons.
I wonder how the non-fossil energy brigade would get on without any subsidies. After all, some forms, eg hydro, must be profitable or we wouldn't have installations dating from well before the AGW bollocks.
I bet EREC aren't arguing for more money for nuclear fusion research, though.
I've been hearing lots of leftists hating on free market capitalism and using it in the same sentence and way as corporatism. But can corporatism exist without government intervention? And if it cannot, then how valid is the comparison of corporatism and free market capitalism?
HL, corporatism is not the same as free markets, in fact it's much the opposite. Corporatism and big government go hand-in-hand, of course, it's just Blue Socialism really, like Home-Owner-Ism.
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