Tuesday 13 October 2009

Another stag attack

From the BBC:

A part-time cage fighter has been praised for saving the life of a man attacked by a stag he was photographing in County Armagh. The apparently docile animal turned on Tom Morgan on Camlough mountain, turning a family stroll into a nightmare. It pinned Mr Morgan to the ground, but luckily local man Rory Coffey saw what was happening from his home. He raced to the scene before his cage fighter training kicked in....

Very noble. But what's the first thing that a cage fighter does when he sees a man on the ground?


"I saw the guy was struggling, the stag's antlers were stuck in his leg," Mr Coffey said "I kicked the man to one side and told him to go away..."


JuliaM said...


woman on a raft said...

I'm no David Attenborough but there's one thing I know about stags in the autumn - they are either going to fight you or....

woman on a raft said...

N.B. I don't understand this Dr Doolittle desire people have to cuddle up to livestock all the time. Horse riding I can just about comprehend, but all this chasing rhinos around the savannah and or having your windscreen wipers torn off by baboons in incongruous rural settings - what's that all about?

If I wanted animal vandalism or to watch open air mating, I'd park my car outside the Doggers' Arms of a Saturday night.

JuliaM said...

It's nature, innit?

JuliaM said...

In the US, you can't even eat an evening meal in peace...

Turing word: tables !

Mark Wadsworth said...

WOAR, me neither.

JM, brilliant, thanks.

Anonymous said...

No harm to you, but the guy saved the man's life. Love to see what you would do in the same circumstances.
John Clarke

Mark Wadsworth said...

JC, he is to be congratulated and admired for that, but are you sure it was necessary for him to kick the victim to one side first?