The fact that some "Tory grandee" spouts shit like this would be bad enough, but the Great British Sheeple applaud him for it..? You really deserve what you get.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, Richard Barnbrook says something that is equally untrue and gets hounded for it.
Hey, either we want politicians to lie or tell the truth, you can't have it both.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Hezza - a man with his finger on the pulse of the nation
My latest blogpost: Hezza - a man with his finger on the pulse of the nationTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: BNP, Hypocrisy, liars, Michael Heseltine, Politicians, Stupidity, Twats
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I thought they only did one of those two options.
Hezza's undoubtedly astute and is in touch with public opinion.
So easy is it, therefore, for him to reel in the young who know nowt of his Eurofanatic credentials. Once he's won them over, he will become a frontman for pushing us into Ever Closer Union.
We need to watch him closely and pick his arguments apart before he becomes an EU icon.
Look here, Wadders, the man you have to deal with is Matty Parris.
The trouble is that watching him slide the knife into Ms Harriet then twist repeatedly before urinating into the open wound was just so satisfying .. .. .. ..
D, Matthew P at least has the decency to admit that preferring income tax over property tax is irrational.
The underlying irrationality behind Home-owner-ism is that home-owners assume they are immortal and nothing even will - or may - change.
Hezza is to be encouraged: if he popularises this line and the Tories become identified with defending the rights of millionaire homeowners to pay no extra property tax,then we could have a re-run of the Poll tax crapola ,and the Tories could lose seats in an election outside the London suburbs(which he thinks so typical of the UK, despite his experiences in post-riots L'pool).
Hezza is only invited on for his cabaret act; he's a seasoned performer who always was much better than the crew around him. The essence of performance being that delivery covers up weaknesses in material whilst highlighting its strong points.
He's good at that. What he's aware of is that the audience aspires to a million-pound house even more than it wants to tax people with million-pound houses. Nobody wants to hear their house is really worth £245k in Redbridge; they all feel, like Suggs did, that Our House in the middle of Our Street is Our Castle and Our Keep. To them, the perceived value is £1m at least.
It is, of course, a lie - but people are not as keen on being told the truth as they sometimes claim.
Politically, Mark, you could do worse than subject yourself to a couple of hours of watching Heseltine key-in to an audience, even the way his very slight speech impediment is used to advantage.
For the record: I voted UKIP in the Euroelections. I could be persuaded to change my Westminster vote very easily if I lived in, say Mid-Beds. However, I happen to live in a constituency served by one of the very few Conservatives who probably deserve to keep their seat. My fear of changing would be dictated by how likely I thought I was to wind up with a Lib Dem if the Conservative vote split.
The difference between Heseltine is he's been in a Government.
Watching the Lib Dems last week was painful (and I always vote Lib Dem locally).
It was hard to believe just how *bad* Clegg came across.
Why attack the Tories you idiots? They're not in power. You give them credibility, this isn't some Student Union debating club you know.
You attack another opposition party? hahahahaha
With people in the Lib Dems like Lembit Oprick and Sarah Tether (what job in the real world has she ever done - who exactly does she represent in the electorate?) you clowns are far far from office.
Clegg shouted he wanted to be the next Prime Minister I nearly choked with laughter. Change parties Nick.
As for Heseltine - better a Has Been than a Never Was or in the case of you lot Never Will Be.
I thought Liebour blogs were bad but you lot *really* need to grow up hahahahahahaha
I had a quick look on Rightmove. £1 will buy you a large 4 bed house in quite a nice area of Hammersmith. Hardly what I'd call ordinary.
Using London prices is just nuts. To live in one of those boroughs with a family means you're rich. Most people with a bit of money live 15-20 minutes away on the train.
If you look at somewhere like Cuffley (a very posh part of the commuter belt), you get a 6 bed house with change for £1m.
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