Thursday 6 August 2009

Modern toilets

Re what I posted about a week ago:

The Hype:

The Reality:

NB, that is one single photo. I can't remember the floors in the toilet cubicle and adjoining urinal area being on different levels so maybe the wall of the toilet cubicle was further back? Like any self-respecting amateur photographer, I was asked a stupid and irrelevant question when caught in flagrante delicto, but I thought "F*** it" and clicked away regardless.

In all fairness, the staff were very friendly; there was a TV in the very pleasant café area, but it was turned off or broken, thankfully; and there were a couple of newspapers lying around. It was £16 all day entry for a family of four and the kids loved it.

All in all, Cornwall rocks!


Witterings from Witney said...

Not surprised really after all that is what it rests on, along with the rest of the uk!

Pleased you had a lovely time - welcome back to the land of the living!

Besides the 'mws' - trust you 'looked after' Mrs MW and that she enjoyed herself?

Mark Wadsworth said...

WFW, indeedy, and if not, I think I redeemed myself with the posh dinner on the last evening. Plus not crashing the car on the way home.

Anonymous said...

For Cornwall, that is a modern toilet. It doesn't have a hole in the ground, a book hanging on a nail to wipe yerself, and a bucket of ash to throw down over your "leavings".

Lester Taylor said...

@Anonymous 07:56

"a hole in the ground, a book hanging on a nail to wipe yerself, and a bucket of ash to throw down over your "leavings".".........

What be these strange and wondrous ideas?......We crap out of the window in Wales......

Actually all jokes night many moons ago in my mad youth whilst drunk I did exactly that......

My best mate held onto my legs so I wouldn't fall out of the window in my bedroom.

However what I forgot was that the conservatory was underneath...

Ah well no one noticed the rather solid motion that remained there for weeks....


Excuse me for stating the obvious but why are you taking the camera to the toilet with you?.....and don't give me that "It was my phone's camera" buggerydooda lol

Mark Wadsworth said...

@ EV, I took the camera to take a photo of the 'modern toilets'.

Lester Taylor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lester Taylor said...

should read
"That sounds all far too plausible to possibly be true."

Lester Taylor said...

On the topic of toilet humor

Penny Pincher said...

Just the sort of hype that Estate Agents are inclined towards . .

Lucky you were not arrested as a pervert for taking obscene photos . . .